This website is a window into the world of Simalia boeleni formally named Morelia boeleni (the Boelen's python) I have created this site to share information and imagery about my research regarding these fascinating pythons. I do not claim to be an expert on Boelen's pythons, rather someone who is passionate about the future of these animals and the conservation efforts towards their survival in the wild and in captivity. I invite you to contact me with any questions or information you might have about these snakes.
Until recently S. boeleni was considered to be a very difficult species to work with and to maintain in captivity. We have had more frequent access to captive-hatched animals that tend to fare much better in a controlled, captive environment than imported snakes we had to work with in the past. There have been recent advancements in the captive care and maintenance of S. boeleni that have proven quite helpful with captive animals. There is limited data about their native habitat, and there is extremely little known about their natural behavior in the wild. The information shared on this site is from years of travel and research to this incredible part of the world - West Papua New Guinea.
You can also follow me on instagram Boelenspythonresearch_2019
Copyright © 2022 Ari Raven Flagle. All photographs and video in this website are the exclusive property of Ari Raven Flagle unless otherwise stated, and they may not be reproduced, copied, redistributed, manipulated, or altered in any way without written permission.

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Publsihed in (2009) by Edition Chimaira Frankfurt Contributions to Natural History Vol. 26 . By far the most comprehensive book on this species to date. Edited by Marc Mense, with a chapter on "Threats" by Mark O'Shea. 170 color illustrations. 160 pp. Hardcover
This book has it all and, is not only vital if you keep boelens python, but also consist exiting information to read for other Python fans out there!
"Kasper Fonager"
It is a book of "recipes" for success, with multiple options and suggestions of what will suit the area where you are. This is a book you will read over and over again, it is written in a way that you feel Ari is talking to you, not just typing facts on paper.
"Kicheal Elfwing"